Why the Eastern Aegean?


The WINDOW to the EU

Why is this region critical to the Church? This window is one of the most used migratory pathways into Europe from the Middle East & Africa. This has been true for 3000+ years (in both directions) and most recently peoples of many nations from Africa and Middle East move through Turkey to these islands in order to enter the EU.

In response, the EU and the Greek Government have established new migrant camps on several of these islands. The four most southern of these islands are within the A M I R A window, including numerous other Greek Islands and the coast-lands of Turkey.

During the migrants stay on these islands there are many opportunities to love, serve, give and proclaim the Good News.

In this way, the Church, in many nations, INCLUDING Greece (Europe, the Middle East, Africa), are stirred and strengthened into the future by these who have the seeds of the Gospel within.


History is critical, especially as we watch our Triune God scatter his church to the nations. We, as followers of Christ, saved by grace, are given the gift of being adopted into God's family through Christ death & resurrection-- and with the Holy Spirit, moved to bear witness to the Son and his Kingdom in our world today.

A M I R A is the scattering of the confessing church to the Eastern Aegean, to see the Good News proclaimed, disciples made and the church strengthened and established among the displaced nations and among the Greek people.


Island Incarnation Strategy

This task of seeing the church helped, strengthened and established across these island regions is beyond our abilities and capacities. We have seen such started upon the island of Samos and we now look south.

What will this look like? It is the Lord who builds his church--we his willing participants & servants. Therefore, we move prayerfully and according to his leading, asking him to ordain our steps and plans. Pray with us as these efforts are daily steps of faith for our team.

The reality is, the Father establishes his Church through the Holy Spirit's work in the daily turbulence and mess of our lives. In this sense, we go by faith seeking to incarnate Christ through living on these islands.

Images from the Book of Acts. Prayer. Wisdom. Moving. Ambiguities. Faith. Family. Confusion. Prison. Waiting. Suffering. Acting. Sharing. Illness. Emotions. Death. Poverty. Gathering. Praise. Fighting. Losses. Stressors. Proclaiming. Travel. Children. Scorn. More Prayer. Giving. Praise. Dying. Seeing. Needs. Loneliness. Walking. Beatings. Blood. Glory. Surprise. Loss. Maligned. Shipwrecked. Rejoicing. Knowing. Boldness.

As in the book of Acts, the realities of this life have not changed. The continuing work of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit in this world through the weak, scattered and suffering Body of Christ is how the Church grows. These words to the left capture some of life for the followers of Christ in the book of Acts through the New Testament.

Nothing has changed. The systems, securities, comforts, promises of the Western world and the Western Evangelical Church are not how the Body of Christ thrives and grows-- and by many measures, such is actually a deterrent to faith in Christ and the maturity of the believer.

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